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[January 18, 2003 - 2:40 p.m.]
Peanut butter milkshakes and guy dreams

In the office on a Saturday... "Overtime" is a new concept for me, as I've never been paid it before. Sure, I've worked stupidly long hours in most of my jobs, but I've never been paid extra for it (not even when I was getting paid hourly - they just used to send me home when my 37 hours/week were up, which meant I usually got to go home at Friday lunchtime).

I remember once working 26 days in a row for this company, in August 2001. That was hell. By the time I'd reached the third weekend I was a mess - weepy, tired, lower than low. That sucked. But at least we got free pizza a couple of times a week (which is probably one of the main culprits for my fatness). Um, yay.

And talking of fatness... Despite my worries about winding up as much of a lardbucket again, last night C & I went out to an American-style diner on the King's Road and had peanut butter milkshakes and cheeseburgers. Unfortunately, the peanut butter milkshakes were divine and I'm going to have to keep the both of us away from there. They're coronaries in a glass! The diner was cool, though - we sat at the counter, listening to Motown and watching the authentic-looking short-order chef (50-something, American accent, white paper cap). OK, "authentic-looking" as in the impression the movies gives us of America. I'm sure it's about as authentic as Hollywood's portrayal of the English (apparently we all speak like "posh people" and either have a lurking evil streak, or are relatives of Hugh Grant... uh-huh).

After the lard-fest, we went to see LOTR:TTT. I'm disheartened that I'm going to have to restrict my cinema visits once I've started my new job, since my local cinema is a West End cinema and therefore costs �8.10 a pop. Bah :-( And no DVD player or Playstation in the near future either. What have I done????? Waaah!!!

I couldn't stop giggling throughout the film because I'd seen a couple of Legolas jokes on b3ta during the day and I couldn't get them out of my head. Damn, I can't find them now, but one involved a Lego Lass and one involved a Leg O'Lass. They were funny, take my word for it.

I'm still not sure why this Aragorn chap seems to appeal to so many women. He's a bit... I dunno, beardy/manly/brave for my tastes. In fact, none of the guys really appeal at all. However, I'd probably pay good money to see Elijah Wood and Sean Astin going for it, but then I'm like that.


I need to get my hands on more gay porn. Correction: on some gay porn. It's quite cool that I can now say "But it's for my work!!", hehehehe. I think I'm going to love my new job.

Hmmm. Last night I was in a strange mood in bed, sort of "agressively" spooning my sweetie and wishing that fucking him didn't involve quite so much hassle and equipment. Then when I fell asleep I dreamed that it was my birthday, and I had a whole heap of people coming over to celebrate. And I knew that any of these people would sleep with me if I only asked them. So I chose this really really cute guy and spent the rest of the dream seducing him.

Of course, as with most of my dreams, I was a man; and a little voice in my head kept on telling me that I should be going after girls. But I only fancied the guys at my party.

That was a good dream :-)

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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