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[May 09, 2003 - 12:27 p.m.]
Cat & gym & hayfever

I think I have hayfever. I have never suffered from hayfever before. My eyes are watering non-stop, my nose itches, I'm all drippy and snotty. I had hoped it was a cold, but it gets worse when I go outside and better when I'm indoors. It's hayfever, isn't it? Great. One more thing wrong with me.

I am worried about Jerry again. She's off her food. Normally she eats everything she's given, and is manic whenever someone goes into the kitchen. But since she's been home from the vet, and I've had antibiotic pills to crumble into her food, she's not been eating. Last night I went to the vet to drop off my insurance claim form (�430.78!!! Ye gods!), and I picked up some of the high-calorie tuna flavour food she loves but doesn't usually have (she's supposed to be on prescription diet food) in the hope she'd eat it. Nope.

Tonight, if she hasn't eaten the food+pill I've left out, I'm going to be wrapping her in a towel and shoving the pill down her throat. Wish me luck. She has claws and isn't afraid to use them :-/

I also went down to a local spit-n-sawdust style gym last night to find out how much they charge for membership. The place is tiny and doesn't have any of the "luxury" gym things like a sauna or jacuzzi (but then neither did the last one I went to), but it's quite cheap to join and they have good equipment. They're mostly a gym for people who want to get BIG, but that suits me & C fine. And they have a boxing room!!

So at the weekend I think I'll go down there and stick 6 months' membership on my credit card. Watch me get into debt! I already have �400 on there from IKEA and getting ADSL. Yarg.

Well, once (if) Direct Line pay out for the vet bill, I'll be OK. And I have �250/month to look forward to from my little bitch-boy tenant. Ehehehehe.

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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