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[November 01, 2002 - 10:22 a.m.]
Halloween & period stuff

My Halloween was a bit of a washout. Well, not really, but my falling asleep at 10pm didn't help.

C rented Tenebrae and The Blair Witch Project, and I brought home ready meals from Marks & Spencer, since cooking was not on the menu. I was feeling pretty bad (period-wise) by the time I got home, so I changed straight into my PJs and lay on the sofa while C fussed around me, bringing me juice and ibuprofen and a hot water bottle. What a sweetie!

So, we ate dinner and settled down to watch Tenebrae. And I made the mistake of washing two ibuprofen down with a bottle of Scrumpy Jack. By the time the film ended, I had almost completely passed out and was only able to say "Mmmruph" while C somehow hauled me into bed (and got my PJs off, the cheeky sod!).

He recorded the League of Gentlemen for me to watch later, and I slept right through until 7am this morning. I feel great now (if still a little crampy). Kinda disappointed that we didn't watch the other film, though.

The thing I hate most about getting my period is that get shoulder pain. It's really weird. It's just like the shoulder pain I had after my tubal (from the gas they inflate your abdomen with), but I shouldn't be feeling that almost two years later! But when I get my period, I get an ache in my right shoulder that's so painful. It's like a deep, sharp, muscle ache. It fucking hurts.

Add to that the feeling I get like someone's placed a concrete block on my pelvic floor, leaving me feeling as if I need to go to the loo every moment of every period day. Urgh. Sometimes I hate being a girl.

Of course, if I wasn't a girl I'd miss the 36DDs. I guess some things are worth the trade-off...

Miss anything?

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Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.