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[November 04, 2002 - 12:26 p.m.]

In the Jobcentre window this morning I noticed a sign saying: "Santa's Helpers / Elves needed. Enquire Within". I hope the smaller children of Kilburn don't see that sign, lest they find out the truth... (that elves and Santa's helpers come from the Jobcentre, and not the North Pole - what did you think I was going to say?).

I was late for work this morning, due to C & I having a quickie before I got out of bed. And now I totally can't get started: I've spent the last couple of hours reading my email, and soc.sexuality.general, and Diaryland, and I can't get my mind round to work. Pah.

C and I had a very busy weekend. On Friday we met up with KT and her man, her housemates & their boyfriends & various other assorted people... 16 of us in all. We met in a bar next to Liverpool St. station, which was packed to the hilt with beered-up stock traders of Essex extraction, which freaked C out a bit. He hasn't really got used to the sheer volume of people in London yet. Hell, it amazes me sometimes that there are so many people who move in and out of the City every day. I'm glad I don't work in the financial district.

After we all met up, we went over to Brick Lane for a curry. KT's housemate had booked a table, but the restaurant seemed to have forgotten her booking. After hanging around outside for 5 minutes, we were finally ushered in and sat on a cramped table in the back corner. But it wasn't all bad - the restaurant was bring-your-own wine, the food was good and cheap (worked out at only �11 a head for two courses) and we all got thoroughly bladdered.

On Saturday afternoon I introduced C to the joys of the launderette. I warned him in advance of the Italian launderette owner and his fancy-man inclinations... Anyway, when we went to get change for the machines, the guy not only bought me coffee, but C too! Which was a bit embarrassing, but funny. Italian guy seemed a little put-out by C's presence, though ;-)

On Saturday night we went to the 25th birthday of one of my colleagues, which was OK but totally dominated by most of my colleagues standing round in the kitchen talking about work. Or Open source. Or "fun" programming. Snore. So we only stayed a couple of hours, then went home to fuck instead. Much more fun.

On Sunday C met my family. We went down to their house in Woking, then out for lunch with them and my sister.

At some point between June and yesterday, my family mellowed out a lot. I accidentally got a bit of mud on the lounge carpet, and my sister gasped but didn't scream at me. Later, she actually engaged C in conversation (she never said a complete sentence to my ex in four and a half years). My mum and my sister didn't bicker once. My dad asked C to sit in the front seat of his car, and they talked. My sister didn't mention anything about my weight, she enjoyed her food and didn't make any comments about the amount I ate. I told my mum that I wanted to spend Christmas Day with C, and she and my sister were fine with it (I never spent a single Xmas with my ex, because my family - especially my sister - were mortified by the idea of me not being "at home" on Christmas Day). What's going on? Are they becoming normal??

I dunno, maybe somebody replaced them with aliens or something. Or maybe they all upped their medication especially for the day. C, who had previously been terrified of meeting my admittedly "dysfunctional" family, really liked them. Ye gods! This isn't right!!!

Well, at least I have those particular duties over and done with until Boxing Day or Christmas Eve. Phew!

OK, it's now lunchtime, and I have been sitting at my desk for 3 hours without doing much other than a clean build of my code. I suppose that if I want that pay rise, I should actually prove I deserve it. What a bore!

BTW, I'm still waiting for my Diaryreview. Hint hint.

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.