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[November 05, 2002 - 11:28 a.m.]
Asda and the key to happiness

For the first time in at least a couple of years, last night I went to the supermarket in a car. OK, so that probably doesn't sound like much to you, but C was most amused by my squeal of delight when he suggested that we take the car to Asda on a last-minute decision to do the shopping at 8.30pm.

Yeah, you probably all think I'm nuts. But normally, the idea of heading out that late to do the shopping - even though Asda is open 24 hours - would be a chore. Waiting for a bus in the dark, not getting home again until really late etc etc. Plus, of course, taking a car there meant I could buy exactly what I wanted. No avoiding bottled, canned, or otherwise heavy, goods so that I know I'll actually be able to get them home. I bought three bottles of wine and countless tins and jars, stuff I normally don't buy (during the weekly shop at least) because they're just so damned heavy.

Well, that'll probably be the only time, since C has had a lot of interest in his car and it'll be sold soon. But in the meantime, I have about 3 weeks' worth of food. Yay!!

OK, I'm sad and my life is pathetic. You can all quit laughing now and go back to your charmed, car-filled, washing machine-owning lives now ;-)

It's funny. I never used to be the sort of person who'd get excited and bouncy and bubbly, but at the supermarket I was in a really stupid giggly mood. I'm sure the other shoppers were suitably nauseated by my repeated grabbing of C's crotch & arse, completely random kissing and other vomit-inducing coupley shit. Hehehehe. Well, I'm sure the novelty will wear off soon enough, and we'll be your standard comfortable, cruising couple. But I hope not - although I think the constantly-smiling and happy me is freaking my psyche out a bit... ;-)

Yesterday I ordered The Sexually Dominant Woman: A Workbook for Nervous Beginners and What Color Is Your Parachute? from Amazon. I suspect he former may be a little basic for me, but then again - just recently I've found myself wondering what the fuck to do when C's in a submissive mood. So I'm hoping the book will give me a few pointers. I know what he likes, it's just having the imagination to do stuff that I've been lacking. He tells me I can do what I like, as long as I don't leave any visible marks, but without guidance I just sit there and hem and haw and then wind up doing the same old same old (which I'm sure is good for him, but I'd like to get a bit more creative). Apparently that book has a lot of tips and even a fully laid-out scene, so it should be interesting. I shall read it on the tube and enjoy the strange looks I get from the other commuters! I did the same thing when I was reading The Ethical Slut, and I'm sure quite a few nosey shoulder-surfers got a surprise ;-)

I saw this yesterday while browsing a messageboard, and I think it would make an ideal present for C. We've already agreed that we're not going to buy each other Christmas presents (other than spending a fortune between us at Sh!), I'd like to get him a little "token" gift. That keyring is a total rip-off at �67 (expected at Harrods, I guess), but it's given me the idea that I can re-create it quite cheaply. Just buying an uncut key and getting it engraved with the word "happiness" would do it. I know C would love either, as he's a mushy romantic at heart and he loves jewelry and trinkets (I hardly wear any jewelry, but he wears at least 3 pieces every day - necklace, ring and bracelet - and usually more when we go out).

At some point, I'd really like to get him a titanium ring as well, but I can't find any stockists in the UK (and I can't afford to buy him expensive jewelry anyway). I like the celtic pattern ones on that page especially, as they go with his bracelet.

Anyway, that's enough thinking about Christmas... Only one more payday until then, though. Eeep!

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.