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[November 06, 2002 - 12:07 p.m.]
Can't get out of bed

I hope everyone survived Guy Fawkes night with the requisite number of fingers intact. C and I went to the cinema last night, and on the walk there it sounded as if Chelsea & Battersea were being bombed. Loads of people were letting off fireworks on the estates, from the tops of tower blocks, and from the street. I'm sure some people will be missing limbs today! The effect was cool, though - C had never seen anything like it, especially having moved from sleepy suburbia. The fireworks being let off from the tops of tower blocks were especially impressive.

(I also thought it was nicely ironic that the US was having elections on November 5th)

The film we saw was Donnie Darko, and it was excellent. The best thing I've seen in the cinema for a loooong time. And Jake Gyllenhaal is seriously cute. Woof!

So tell me, how do couples who live together get to work on time? Seriously. I have been late in every day since C & I began our temporary living-together arrangement (he's staying at mine at night until the movers finally deliver his stuff). How do you do it? How do you tear yourself away from your lover's body in the a.m.? Maybe this is just temporary, and once we're a bit more used to seeing each other every day, it'll become less difficult to drag myself out of bed and away from him and his gorgeous body and his fantastic cock. But it's so hard when he's sleepy and warm and being snuggly and affectionate. Er, getting out of bed I mean. His cock is too ;-)

Even though I set my alarm to go off an hour before the absolute latest time I can get out of bed, I still feel like we don't get enough dozing time in the morning. And we hardly have enough time for a quickie!!

Even worse, I don't feel like going to college tonight because I'd rather go home to him. I told him this this morning, and he told me that I have to go to class. He's right, of course - I've paid a fortune for the classes so I shouldn't skip any more - but still...

I just ordered a catalogue from Sin Central, as they advertise on the back of ever issue of Desire and I'm curious about what they do. C is looking at their site now (I daren't, since I'm at work) and he says they have some serious medical implements. And Crisco! Teehee! I'm looking forward to ordering a few Christmas goodies from them ;-)

Miss anything?

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Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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