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[December 02, 2002 - 5:05 p.m.]
Weekend part II

Sorry. Obligatory second entry for today (hit previous if you haven't read the other one...).

Er, some other random shit from the weekend.

I started the endless horror that is Christmas shopping on Saturday. At Oxford Circus.

The first or second time I went to stay with C up in Edinburgh, he took me into the town centre and commented that it was really busy. Really? I could see pavement between the people. That's not busy! Busy is Oxford Circus on a Saturday afternoon in the run-up to Christmas. You haven't imagined busy until you've witnessed that horror.

After spending �50 in Superdrug on hair dye (purple for him, black for me); grey-market, knock-down price Clinique stuff (damn, I love Superdrug) and other miscellany, we went over to Covent Garden. Last Christmas, my sister gave me �30 in vouchers for The Sanctuary, so I nipped in there and blew the lot on bath treats. Lovely. My bathroom is now totally maxed-out on bottles.

After that, we went to H&M and C bought a pair of cords, and was delighted to see that he now fits a 34" waist. I don't know quite what he's done to lose those two inches... I know he's not getting any exercise beyond, ahem, the horizontal type. Maybe that's done it.

As you will have noticed, I failed to buy any Christmas presents on Saturday. I will try again next week.

On Sunday morning, I sorted out my wardrobe as part of my big (naked) clean-up, and moved a couple of items from the "too small" shelf back onto the "wearable" shelf. Including a UK size 12 skirt I love but which I haven't worn for an age. It fits, in a... snug way. But at least I can now get it over my hips. Go me!

Then C tried it on. "I'm not a tranny!" he claimed, he just wanted to see if he could get it on. He could get it over his butt, but couldn't do it up. I think my wardrobe is safe... for now!

He also tried on a bunch of my old skinny t-shirts. I have quite a few, but don't wear them any more because I've decided that high-necked t-shirts do not flatter the more well-endowed girl. High-necked anything. And since I don't intend to be anything other than well-endowed ever, those t-shirts are heading over to the "never worn again" pile.

C tried a couple on to see how they looked. And they looked cute. And very very gay. Like, belly (& navel piercing) exposed, nipples visible, gay. The fact that he was trying them on with a leather thong only added to the effect. And if he gets the flatter stomach and hair removal he wants, we're talking Hell-O SAILOR! I'm going to have to start gripping his hand more tightly when we wander into Soho at this rate...

Have I told you lot recently how much I love my delightfully not-entirely-straight, utterly gorgeous, piercings-and-purple-hair-sporting boyfriend? No? Well I do. THIS MUCH!!!

Only thirty more minutes before I can leave the office and go bang his brains out in my very cold flat.

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.