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[December 08, 2002 - 5:10 p.m.]
Hat noises and stuff

I phoned my mum this morning, and she started making the "Shall I buy a hat?" noises again. I increasingly believe she's not joking. Apparently, I have until I'm the same age she got married (27), and then she's really going to start pestering me. I turn 26 in January. I'm doomed.

Why she can't leave me alone and pester my 30 year old sister...? Of course, it would help if my sister had some interest in the opposite sex (or the same sex, for that matter).

C told me I should just bite the bullet and tell her no, I don't want to get married, please stop asking me. But to be honest, she'd probably just think it was a "phase" I was going through. And I haven't got the balls.


I have let myself get preoccupied with the logistics of C & I living together.

I told C today that, in regard to his suggestion on Friday night, he should wait until February and (if we're still going strong) suggest it again. And then I'd think about it. Of course, I'm thinking about it anyway.

If he & I were to live together, we/I would have to:

- Get my flat into a rentable condition. Not a small job. Not a cheap job, either. (There's no way I'd sell up, C's fine with the flat remaining "mine").

- Find a flat that would be big enough for both of us, and which allows pets. From what I recall, landlords who allow pets are rare and hard to find.

- Of course, if I were to rent my flat out furnished, I'd be living on and in C's stuff. The stuff that he & his XW bought together, or were given. I'm not sure I could handle that - I tend to attach a fair amount of sentimental value to objects. His XW is already upset that I'm "replacing her" in his life, so if I started living on/in what was once her stuff, she'd hate me even more than she does now.

If I were to rent my flat out unfurnished, then we could use a mixture of both of our sets of stuff, but then we'd need a huge flat (and I'm not sure my place would be as "rentable" without the furniture). I'd want a larger - 2-bed - flat anyway, though, so we could have our own space.

Urgh, I shouldn't be thinking this through, but I am. It just seems like the most monumental hassle. And I've had so much upheaval in my life this year already... But then again, so has he. Even more than me. I shouldn't be so selfish as to even consider not living with him because of (un)simple logistics.

Ho hum.

I am off to get drunk...

Miss anything?

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