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[January 04, 2003 - 3:34 p.m.]

Well, thank you for the compliments :-) I am getting used to having short(er) hair... the big advantage seems to be that I don't wake up with an afro every morning. I don't feel as sultry as I used to, though - there's something sexy and girlie about long hair. But the short 'do is definitely chic (dah-ling).

This morning (or rather, afternoon) I got out my old 2002 paper diary and read through my new year's resolutions from last year. I actually did OK with them, for a change - probably because I set realistic goals...

1) Improve sex life and become a sex goddess - check

2) Get a decent haircut and wardrobe - hmm, not really.

3) Be happy and smile more - I used to have people tell me on the street to "Cheer up love" (people who say that should be hung, drawn, quartered and have their eyeballs dug out with cocktail sticks), now C's nickname for me is "Smiler"... definitely achieved.

4) Get below 140lbs. Um, OK... When I wrote that, I thought I was around the 150-155lbs mark. Then I actually got myself weighed and found out I was 162lbs. The lowest I got this year was 146lbs, which isn't far off my goal considering I had a lot more weight to lose than I thought. I'll get to 140lbs this year, though!! :-)

5) Learn Java - check (though I'm still a beginner).

6) Earn more money - heh, nope.

7) Go for regular bikini waxes - hmm, kept that up sorta (I need one at the moment, though!)

8) Read more and watch less crap on TV - sort of.

I think my resolutions for this year are fairly similar... earn more money (as much as my age, hopefully), keep on with the happiness thing, keep on with the sexual adventures (*g*), keep on getting fit and keeping my weight in check etc. This year I'll be having my first visit to a lapdancing club (for C's 30th birthday in February), and I want to get a tattoo (or two).

It is cold cold cold in London today. I'm wearing thermal underwear! Sexy!! Off to High St. Kensington as soon as C is dressed, to buy something for Jerry to climb on (other than the furniture).

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.