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[January 20, 2003 - 11:26 a.m.]
Seven mile talk

I am in a stellar mood today.

All the funkiness I've been feeling recently can only be one thing: PMS. When I was on the pill, I got maybe 24 hours of PMS a month. Now I'm off it, I'm gradually getting more and more. At the moment, it seems as if I'm getting it for about 10 days before my period. Which is really, really scary. It makes me feel so blue, and I hate it. But despite that, I still wouldn't go back on the pill. The bad skin and the PMS are pretty decent trade-offs for a libido and reduced psychotic tendencies.

But anyway, I got my period yesterday, and I'm in an amazingly good mood. Of course, this isn't just down to not being PMSy...

1) I am looking forward to my new job more and more every day.

2) I got exercise yesterday. C and I took the tube to Camden Town, walked to and up Primrose Hill, then down again and then all the way home. We were walking for about two and a half hours, not including the stop we made at Starbucks for coffee and sandwiches. I haven't been to the gym for an age, so I've been feeling really out of shape - but today I feel loads better for that walk. I think we walked about seven miles; the map says closer to 6 (as the crow sort-of-flies) but my legs say 7 so seven it is.

(I need to get back into gymming before my membership expires in March...)

As we walked, we talked. About the possibility of living together. We'd talked about this before, but circumstances have changed now and it seems like a better idea than it did then. Firstly, he's finding it a struggle to pay all the bills on his flat. Secondly, I am going to find it a huge struggle to pay all my bills when I start my new job. My new salary covers all my regular bills OK, but I'll only have about �120/month left over to feed & clothe myself and Jerry. That's very tight. And no money for savings, emergencies, holidays, or fun things like CDs etc.

If he & I moved into my flat (placing his furniture and household items in storage), we could split my mortgage and bills, and live quite cheaply. I'd have an extra �250/month to play with, he'd have a lot more than that to pay off some debts he has. And if he wanted, he could take a lower-paid job he enjoys more and not have to worry so much about money.

The downside is space. My place is very small, and since it's a studio there's nowhere to "get away" from each other if we need alone time. But we're good at communicating, and we can always make use of local coffee shops or libraries if we need quiet time away from each other. The idea of doing this just for 6 month to a year, while we sort out our finances, is very tempting. And once he's got to a better place, money-wise, he could probably think about buying a place of his own.

When we talked about this before, I was very reticent because I've moved in with someone out of convenience before (my ex), and it didn't really work out. But I realise now that it didn't work out for other reasons, not because we were living together. And C & I are completely aware of my worries in that department, so we can work through any issues if they arise.

Well, if any of this is going to happen, it's not going to happen until April at least, because of the contract on C's flat. So we still have time to work out the details. But the more I think about it, the better it sounds....

3) We also talked more last night about the "sleeping with other people" thing. Let's just say that we're making (exciting) progress on that one ;-)

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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