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[January 23, 2003 - 11:40 a.m.]
2nd birthday

Happy birthday to my tubal,
Happy birthday to my tubal,
Happy birthday, dear tuuuu-baaaalll,
Happy birthday to yooooou!

I really can't believe that it's two whole years since I had the op. Two whole years of:

- no contraceptive worries (yay!)

- no pill-induced psychotic tendencies (thank you, 'Marvelon')

- no pill-induced cystitis and frequent trips to the GP for antibiotics (yay!)

- a libido! (YAY!)

(and the bad things)

- bad skin (meh.)

- PMS from hell (meh!)

Well, I think they're a decent trade off, for the libido and the peace of mind alone!

And tonight I'm celebrating this groundbreaking anniversary by... going to the gym. I haven't been since before Christmas and I'm feeling bad. So, circuit training for me tonight, and it'll probably kill me. Not only am I feeling and looking flabby, I'm feeling weak. I used to be proud of the fact that I could carry 48 cans of diet Coke up two flights of stairs and hardly get out of breath; I can't do that now.

Well, once my gym membership expires in March I'll still be able to go to circuit training if I pay-as-I-go. And if I get the running thing going (haven't yet) I might yet see myself a size 12... :-)

To be honest, I'd be perfectly happy if I managed just to be a non-flabby size 14.

I'm not looking forward to weighing myself at the gym, though. I was 146lbs at my lightest last year; I just know I'm going to be 150+ now. Boo.

Hmm, maybe the weight thing depresses me more than I'd like to admit. I watched Sex & The City last night, and in it Miranda was complaining about her "huge" post-baby weight of 152lbs. And I've just read a post on a newsgroup from a guy who's complaining that his wife has got "fat" since they married - she's 5'2" and 130lbs. Sorry, but at 130lbs I'd consider myself slim! But then I've never ever been what most people perceive as 'slim', not even as a kid, so I suppose my vision is skewed. Or maybe it's just realistic...

That's another thing. C has been showing me the personal ads he's replied to or is thinking of replying to, and the only iffy-ness I've had about them is that all the women are slimmer than me. I know he's not going to come back and say he'd prefer me lighter after sleeping with someone else, so I know I'm being daft. And most people are going to be a bit slimmer than me.

Ah, crap. I never used to worry about my weight. I think once I get back into the gym/exercise habit, I'll feel better about myself (and I'd still rather be able to carry 48 cans of Coke than fit into a size 12).

Heh, i was watching a program the other day about Lindi St. Clair, and it was said that her (FF?) breasts weigh 14lbs each. Maybe that's why I'm heavy ;-)

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.