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[January 24, 2003 - 2:16 p.m.]

You'll have to forgive me yesterday's paranoid weight rant thing. I think I was basically just dreading that initial weigh-in.

So, I did go to the gym, and I did my workout (and didn't die), and afterwards I had a shower and got on the scales in my towel, and...

OK, you know I said that my lowest weight last year was 146lbs, and that I thought I'd put on maybe 4-5lbs over Christmas?

Well, last night I was 145lbs.

So somehow, I've managed to avoid the gym for a month, have Christmas and my birthday, and lose a pound. Que?

I'm not going to wonder how it happened. I'm just going to feel pretty damned good about myself because I'm 17lbs lighter than I was this time last year, and I'm only 5lbs away from my first weight goal. And while I feel flabby and out of shape from not going to the gym, at least I haven't gained any weight because I find it really hard to lose (when I was "seriously dieting" last year I was only losing 1lb every 7-10 days).

Anyhow, I shall stop thinking I'm huge for the moment, because I'm not. I'm just a bit on the extra-curvy side... ;-)

And tree: no, I've never weighed my boobs. I'm not sure how I could, since they don't, er, 'hang away' from my body very far and therefore I don't think I could weigh them without weighing myself in the process. I wonder if I could estimate, though? ;-)

My sweetie has been in contact with someone from the personals site of whom I approve (from what I've seen of her ad). In fact, I had considered answering her ad myself because she looked like someone who'd make a cool friend. So we'll see if that goes anywhere :-)

I am very excited. Life is good :-) And it's Friday, which makes things a whole heap better!

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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