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[January 30, 2003 - 1:35 p.m.]
On underwear

I am consumed by thoughts of men's underwear. No, really. First, I read this article in The Times, then I discover a fan site for Ainslie, and I spend the next 5 minutes going through their gallery looking for screenshots of that episode where he wore Sinead's knickers (I didn't find any).

Uuuuhh. Must stop thinking of men in underwear, women's or otherwise.

Ah, fuck it.

As the article suggests, men's underwear should be - and is - as variable as ladies', and rightly so. C owns a whole load of different types; the other night we were discussing which sort would be suitable for which kind of dates. He reckons his Jockey Y-fronts are the "most gay"; I'm of the opinion that his hipster-cut Sloggi briefs are cute enough to get out in front of guys or girls; I think he should keep his Calvin Klein thongs just for me ;-)

Come to think of it, he has way more pairs of pants (that's underpants to some of you) than me. I have a fairly samey collection of basic black thongs, black briefs, and a few matching sets of bra & briefs. I would own more bras, but when you're my size you can't buy cheaper underwear - buying a bra and matching thong at Bravissimo can set me back �45+ (ouch!).

And then, of course, guys don't have to worry about their underwear matching. I usually only match in terms of colour, but even so. I'd never dream of leaving the house in mismatching-coloured undies!!

C (and I) thought the note at the bottom of that article - "Even straight men will be wearing strings and thongs by the end of the year. Allegedly." - is a bit on the cheeky side. I can't be the only straight woman on the planet who feels giddy at the sight of a cute guy wearing a thong - or even a cute guy bending over while wearing a thong. Hell-o!

Miss anything?

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Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
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Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.