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[March 07, 2003 - 11:32 a.m.]

I spent a while last night on the phone to KT (best girl friend) discussing our different flavours of gynaecological problems. She has PCOS and is having a tough time getting treated - I feel very lucky to have such a great GP and to be in the catchment area of the Chelsea & Westminster hospital. KT was originally seeing a gyn at Newham General, who told her he wouldn't treat her for PCOS "because there is no treatment". He also treated her like shit because she's overweight. Well hello! Being overweight is one of the symptoms of PCOS, dumbass! Anyway, she went back to her GP and asked to be referred else, and is now being seen at one of the central London teaching hospitals (I forget which). I think she's probably going to get a Mirena coil fitted, which is something I considered before getting my snip.

Heh, being a girl can be very sucky sometimes.

As for me - I'm OK today, but I've been quite miserable and whiny to C. I feel bad about that. Thing is, I'm in my PMSy time, and all this shit happening doesn't help. I'm probably building things up unnecessarily, but I guess I'm fretting that I'll have to take lots of time off work for appointments etc, and that I'll lose my job. OK, so they'd be on legally shaky ground if they fired me for illness, but still. Heh, sometimes I think how nice it would be not be completely self-sufficient, but I realise that it's important to me and I'd never give it up.

Hopefully once I've got over my next period I'll be more even-mooded.

In the meantime... Next week is the staff ski trip at work (the one I'll get to go on once I've been here 2 years), so the office will be empty except for me, the receptionist, and one other guy. Which will be nice, because I won't have to be stealthy about my web use, I can come in at 10am, and we can have the radio on XFM. Yay! :-)

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.