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[March 12, 2003 - 11:53 a.m.]
Ultrasound & endo etc

Well, I have an ultrasound booked for tomorrow at 4pm. I was going to have it next Tuesday at 9.30am, but that would involve the bosses knowing I'd taken time off work. So I managed to get an appointment for this week, and I've asked the two guys here to keep it quiet that I was out of the office.

I'm sure I'm just being paranoid about the bosses being peeved at me taking time off, but I want to cover my back.

I have been depressing myself by reading endo support groups. All the women seem to have to have taken lots of time off work for operations, recovery etc, and I'm scared I'll have to do that too. They all seem to have understanding employers and/or financial support from another person. Meh. Plus a lot of the talk is about trying to conceive, which of course is of no interest to me. I just want to get shot of most of the pain, so I can carry on working and having sex (but not at the same time).

Heh, when I booked the ultrasound, they asked how many weeks pregnant I am. None, I hope ;-)

I'm quite looking forward to seeing my Filshie clips on the ultrasound though. When I had the x-ray last week, you could see them - two little solid blobs floating around in my pelvic cavity. Aaaw, bless - they're two years old now! They'd be walking and talking, if they weren't bits of precision-engineered titanium :-P

The other chap in the office just walked past my desk, looked at the TV, and said "I used to go to university with her!". Hehehe. That's not happened to me yet - all I've seen so far is some bras I also happen to own. It's weird seeing 'your' underwear in a porno vid.

I love my boyfriend. I really do. I have been a monster recently, with moods all over the place, depressed, tired, sleeping badly, feeling shitty. And he's there for me. Sorry to sound like a bad daytime TV movie, but there you go. He's the best!!

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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