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[March 18, 2003 - 4:00 p.m.]

I got a letter from the Chelsea & Westminster gynae team yesterday - I have an appointment with Mr St@fford on the 22nd April. The NHS comes good - I was expecting it to be a while longer than that before I got the appointment.

Mr St@fford is the gyn who snipped me. I remember him being a bit skeptical of my requests, but easy to win over. So at least I know how to handle him, should he give me any grief about my suspected endo.

Talking of which, apart from Thursday night and Friday, and a couple of instances over the weekend, this period hasn't been so bad. I used to get a few bearable ones, then one really bad one; in the last 6-8 months, it's been a few really bad ones, then one bearable one. I think that was the bearable one. This, of course, has got me thinking "Well, maybe I don't need to see the gyn after all", but I do. If only to find out for definite if this is endo, or a grumbling appendix, or something else.

And since I'm now finishing my period, I'm horny again. Only I have a cold, and had to retire to bed early last night to sniff and shiver, while C sent naked photos of himself to an amateur porn site. Just another ordinary day in our household :-)

Right now, I am listening to two people having sex in the studio downstairs. By the sound of it, he's really going for it! I can hear his thighs slapping against her from up here - *slap* *slap* *slap* *slapslapslapslap....*

I keep reading stuff about the frequency of sex going down after co-habitation and/or marriage. I know I've fretted about it before, but I'm fretting a little bit about it again. Sometimes I find myself longing for those days when C & I were long-distance, and every other weekend was pretty much constant sex. We both did all our boring 'real life' stuff in the intervening weekends, so that we could spend our weekends together totally focussed on each other. Since he moved down here, we haven't spent any entire weekends in bed and the 'real life' stuff is getting in the way every weekend. Not that that's a bad thing - we're still together all the time. It's just not as frantic as it used to be. I miss the feeling I used to get waiting for him at the station; or sitting on the train, looking forward to seeing him on the platform. Last summer was the best, because even though the times in between those weekends were hard, the weekends themselves more than made up for it.

Now that we're pretty much living together, we're not fucking at every available opportunity, like we used to. I do sort of miss that, but the fact is that I don't feel horny all month long, and neither does C. And when we are both in the mood, we're doing it pretty much every day. And we're still doing the hugging / hand-holding / surprise-dry-humping-when-you're-doing-the-washing-up things all the time. And I still can't stop myself from randomly grabbing his crotch when we're in Asda ;-)

It would be silly of me to get paranoid based on the read experiences of other people, but I also remember how our sex life died with my ex. That was a symptom of a much bigger thing (that our relationship was over, but none of us realised / could bring ourselves to admit it). Fingers / toes/ legs crossed that if it happens this time around, C and I will know the signs and be able to act on them. That is, if this living together arrangement turns out to be permanent - which we haven't decided yet.

Heh, how many times have I written about something like this in here? But then, how many times have I read threads or journal entries about peoples' sex lives drying up at other places ;-)

Been there, done that, and not going there again, I hope.

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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