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[March 19, 2003 - 10:53 a.m.]

I am sick. I have a cold, a really nasty one. Who knew one head could produce so much snot? I think people were consciously avoiding me on the train this morning, which is hard because the Clapham Jct - Willesden Jct service is always packed. So I sat there being all germ-vector-y and trying not to be too loud as I blew my nose. I know, I know, I should be at home in bed, but I'm trying to get a good attendance record at work in case the gyn wants me to go for a laporsoscopy later in the year.

I went to bed early again last night, alternately shivering and roasting. And I'm already exhausted this morning. I fucking hate colds.

I have to mention the war, haven't I? Well, all I have to say right now is that I hope the UN indicts Blair, Bush, and any other applicable national leaders, for war crimes. After all, they have gone against the UN, and if the leader of any other nation did that, they'd get slapped. I don't see why Blair & Bush should get away with it just because they're speshul leaders of speshul countries.

...end war mention.

OK, I have to bitch about CSI. is it just me, or have CSI and CSI:Miami been taken over by the religious right? I used to love both of those shows, but recently they've turned into moralising tripe.

Firstly, we had an episode of CSI:Miami in which a woman who was seven weeks pregnant was killed. The whole fucking episode turned into some sort of vaguely pro-life diatribe, in which the death of a seven week foetus was made out to be more tragic than the death of the mother. David Caruso's character even went to the extent of getting someone to produce a picture of what this not-yet-a-child would look like on its second birthday, by merging the faces of the mother and father. Hello? A woman dies and you're ignoring that in favour of chasing the killer of a foetus?

OK, so I'll probably get flamed for hell for my views on this, but I'm sorry - a seven week pregnancy is not 'superior' in terms of human-life 'value' to a woman. By the end of the episode, the dead woman was practically forgotten - as if she were no more than a freaking vessel.

So, the next episode of CSI:Miami that got my hackles up was one in which a male stripper was found dead after an all-girl sex party. The whole program had an air of "female sexuality = bad". All the investigators went around wondering why a group of women would want to get together and watch strippers (Hello? Men do it all the time!!).

And then, last night's CSI had a really strong anti-porn message.

Meh. I loved CSI, because Grissom is such a cool geek and the program is usually fantastic. But who let the fundie onto the script team?? Fire his moralising ass!!!

Ah, I watch too much TV anyway - maybe this is my cue to give up...

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

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