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[March 27, 2003 - 5:15 p.m.]
Inner geek

I have spent all day setting up a PC with MySQL, PHP and Apache. I'm finally going to be doing some coding again.

My boss had intended me to do the coding on my Mac, but we had some real struggles trying to install MySQL/PHP/Apache on it. OS X already has Apache installed, but it's some sort of shitty sanitised version for people do serve personal home pages on. I need to learn PHP, so I needed something better. Plus it just seems more prudent to be developing web stuff in an environment that's a little closer to the production environment.

So, my boss dug out an old old old P120 PC running NT 4, mouse & keyboard and a switchbox. After wrestling with these ancient heaps of junk all day, I now have a half-decent web server and dev environment up and running. The switch box will only let me run the monitor at 256 colours though.

Tomorrow I have to bring in another mouse & keyboard because the ones I'm using belong to the stylist's PC (who is filming in Budapest this week).

Let it be said: there's not much money in producing porn.

But, I now have the l33test desk in the office. PC, Mac, 21" super-posh monitor, TV and video, external DVD writer, 2 x 60gig external RAID drives... Check me out, uh-huh!

The geek in me is not dead, merely hidden under a slavering-pervert exterior.

My sweetie is sick. This is his 3rd day off work with the cold I gave him, and he's just emailed me to say he feels worse, and can I pick up some drugs on the way home? Poor hun.

The other night we both painted our fingernails. I painted his in a metallic lilac shade, my own in silver. Two days later, mine are chipped to fuck and need re-doing. His are pristine, and look like they've just been polished. Fucking typical.

Miss anything?

Sluttery [August 16, 2003]
Apologies... [July 30, 2003]
Up and down [July 27, 2003]
Poly/bi meet thingy [July 26, 2003]
Office scandal [July 23, 2003]

Design by my own fair hand. Bettie Page picture � Olivia.